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Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis

Discover the Ultimate Reality with Gyalwa Yangonpa's Secret Map of the Body

- Who is Gyalwa Yangonpa and why is he important? - What are the benefits of learning about the human energy structure? H2: The Human Energy Structure - The three aspects of the human energy structure: essence, nature, and capacity - The five elements and their corresponding energies - The channels, winds, and drops that circulate the energy H3: The Dzogchen View of the Human Energy Structure - What is Dzogchen and how does it differ from other Buddhist teachings? - How does Dzogchen reveal the secret map of the body? - The four visions of Dzogchen and their relation to the human energy structure H4: Gyalwa Yangonpa's Visions of the Human Energy Structure - A brief biography of Gyalwa Yangonpa and his achievements - The main sources of his visions: his own experience and the texts of Vimalamitra - A summary of his visions and their meanings H5: How to Practice with the Secret Map of the Body - The prerequisites for practicing with the secret map of the body - The methods of practice: meditation, visualization, mantra, and yoga - The results of practice: realization, liberation, and rainbow body H6: Conclusion - A recap of the main points of the article - A call to action for the readers to explore more about the topic - A list of references and resources for further learning Table 2: Article with HTML formatting Introduction

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the surface of your physical body? What if there was a hidden map that could reveal the secrets of your innermost nature and potential? A map that could show you how to access your innate wisdom, power, and bliss?

Secret Map of the Body: Visions of the Human Energy Structure Gyalwa Yangonpa

This is not a fantasy or a fiction. This is the secret map of the body, a visionary system that describes the human energy structure and its connection to the ultimate reality. This map was revealed by one of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism, Gyalwa Yangonpa, who had direct visions of the subtle anatomy and physiology of the body-mind-spirit complex.

In this article, you will learn about the secret map of the body, its origin, its meaning, and its application. You will discover how this map can help you understand yourself better, improve your health and well-being, and awaken your true nature. You will also learn about Gyalwa Yangonpa, his life, his teachings, and his visions. You will see how he used this map to attain enlightenment and manifest a rainbow body, a sign of complete liberation from samsara.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Then let's begin by exploring what the human energy structure is and how it works.

The Human Energy Structure

The human energy structure is a term that refers to the subtle aspects of our existence that are not visible to the ordinary eye. It includes our mind, emotions, consciousness, awareness, spirit, soul, essence, nature, and capacity. It also includes our vital energy or prana that sustains our life and connects us to everything else.

According to Tibetan Buddhism, there are three main aspects of our human energy structure: essence (ngo bo), nature (rang bzhin), and capacity (thugs rje). These are also known as the three vajras or three kayas (bodies) of buddhahood. They are:

  • Essence: This is our true nature or identity, beyond any labels or concepts. It is empty of inherent existence, yet luminous and clear. It is also called dharmakaya or body of reality.

  • Nature: This is our natural expression or manifestation, free of any distortion or limitation. It is radiant and dynamic, yet peaceful and blissful. It is also called sambhogakaya or body of enjoyment.

  • Capacity: This is our potential or ability, unlimited by any condition or circumstance. It is compassionate and skillful, yet spontaneous and creative. It is also called nirmanakaya or body of emanation.

These three aspects are not separate or different from each other. They are inseparable and interdependent, like the three sides of a triangle. They are the basis of our existence and the source of our enlightenment.

The human energy structure is also composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. These elements are not just physical substances, but also qualities of energy that pervade our body and mind. They are:

  • Earth: This element represents solidity, stability, structure, and form. It relates to our physical body, bones, muscles, organs, and tissues. It also relates to our mental qualities of groundedness, reliability, perseverance, and discipline.

  • Water: This element represents fluidity, cohesion, movement, and emotion. It relates to our blood, lymph, saliva, urine, and other fluids in our body. It also relates to our mental qualities of adaptability, flexibility, sensitivity, and intuition.

  • Fire: This element represents heat, light, transformation, and metabolism. It relates to our body temperature, digestion, circulation, and immunity. It also relates to our mental qualities of vitality, enthusiasm, passion, and intelligence.

  • Air: This element represents breath, wind, communication, and activity. It relates to our respiration, nervous system, speech, and movement. It also relates to our mental qualities of clarity, openness, curiosity, and creativity.

  • Space: This element represents emptiness, potentiality, awareness, and wisdom. It relates to the space within and around our body and mind. It also relates to our mental qualities of spaciousness, freedom, insight, and transcendence.

These five elements are not fixed or static. They are constantly changing and interacting with each other in a dynamic balance. They are the basis of our health and well-being and the source of our diversity and harmony.

The human energy structure also includes the channels (tsa), winds (lung), and drops (thig le) that circulate the energy throughout our body and mind. They are:

  • Channels: These are the pathways or conduits that carry the energy in different directions and dimensions. They are like veins or nerves that connect different parts of our body and mind. There are three main channels: the central channel (dbu ma) that runs along the spine from the crown to the base; the right channel (ro ma) that runs from the right nostril to the right side of the body; and the left channel (rkyang ma) that runs from the left nostril to the left side of the body. There are also many secondary channels that branch out from the main ones.

  • Winds: These are the movements or currents that propel the energy in different speeds and rhythms. They are like breaths or pulses that animate different aspects of our body and mind. There are five main winds: the life-sustaining wind (srog 'dzin) that resides in the heart; the upward-moving wind ('gyen rgyu) that resides in the head; the downward-clearing wind (thur sel) that resides in the lower abdomen; the fire-accompanying wind (me mnyam) that resides in the navel; and the all-pervading wind (khyab byed) that resides in the whole body.

  • Drops: These are the essences or substances that nourish the energy in different colors and flavors. They are like drops or seeds that contain different potentials of our body and mind. There are two main drops: the white drop (dkar po) that resides in the crown; and the red drop (dmar po) that resides in the navel. There are also many other drops that vary in size, shape, color, and taste.

These channels, winds, and drops are not separate or independent from each other. They are interrelated and interdependent, like a network or a system. They are the basis of our function and expression and the source of our experience and realization.

The Dzogchen View of the Human Energy Structure

Dzogchen is a 71b2f0854b


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